15 setembro 2005
Ele há com cada urso!
Não há babetes que cheguem para enxugar toda a baba em que tenho vivido os último dias.
Os meus amigos ursinhos, atentaram contra a minha modéstia e resolveram colocar um elogio público ao Faz-me um blog. (a sério!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
"EleHáBelogues" é uma nova rubrica do Cama de Casal, e o seu primeiro destaque foi este vosso
Faz-me um blog., até agora um desconhecido e despreocupado blog.
E agora? Como é que se gere este inesperado reconhecimento, como se lida com as súbitas
"luzes da ribalta" que se abatem sobre o autor do Faz-me um Blog. (eu, ndp, ou Alice - a partir das 22h, todos os dias, show erótico mecânico no Pub Boite Bataclan Alface Roxa)?
Bem, como são públicas as razões que me fizeram ameaçar a blogosfera (eia! voltei a usar este termo!!!)- ler o meu primeiro post Guernica, pf., o compromisso que assumo é manter a mesma dedicação e não me deixar ofuscar por sucessos imediatos e bigbrotherianos.
Há urso amiguinhos. Mais uma vez obrigado pela simpatia.

PS: Eu não mereço.
Os meus amigos ursinhos, atentaram contra a minha modéstia e resolveram colocar um elogio público ao Faz-me um blog. (a sério!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
"EleHáBelogues" é uma nova rubrica do Cama de Casal, e o seu primeiro destaque foi este vosso
Faz-me um blog., até agora um desconhecido e despreocupado blog.
E agora? Como é que se gere este inesperado reconhecimento, como se lida com as súbitas
"luzes da ribalta" que se abatem sobre o autor do Faz-me um Blog. (eu, ndp, ou Alice - a partir das 22h, todos os dias, show erótico mecânico no Pub Boite Bataclan Alface Roxa)?
Bem, como são públicas as razões que me fizeram ameaçar a blogosfera (eia! voltei a usar este termo!!!)- ler o meu primeiro post Guernica, pf., o compromisso que assumo é manter a mesma dedicação e não me deixar ofuscar por sucessos imediatos e bigbrotherianos.
Há urso amiguinhos. Mais uma vez obrigado pela simpatia.

PS: Eu não mereço.
posted by ndp, quinta-feira, setembro 15, 2005
commented by
fernando lucas, quinta-feira, setembro 15, 2005 6:13:00 da tarde

Quiçá até...uma VHS!
commented by quinta-feira, setembro 15, 2005 6:18:00 da tarde
Vim a este blogue pela 1ª vez e será para continua, vou só fazer um comentário atrasado, sobre o post de Agosto a tu ida ao cachalotes ...sou um fã do Faial e do Pico, tambem já andei a ver cachalotes e golfinhos....que saudades..........
commented by sexta-feira, setembro 16, 2005 12:34:00 da tarde
O seu ndp vai longe. Tens que pensar em grande, pensar em inglês... mudar de "Faz-me um blog" para "Blog Job"
melhor ainda,"Do me a blog job"
ou ainda,
ó NDP, já que estás aí, faz-me um Hot Blog Dog...
tão seca...
mas beijos,de uma fã fervorosa e devota
ó NDP, já que estás aí, faz-me um Hot Blog Dog...
tão seca...
mas beijos,de uma fã fervorosa e devota
commented by domingo, setembro 18, 2005 4:27:00 da tarde
SIm, eu sei que há muitas maneiras de fazer um blog...
Mas, com estas ideias todas já posso pensar em diversificar e internacionalizar!
Só falta arranjar uma maneira disto começar a dar dinheiro!!!!
Mas, com estas ideias todas já posso pensar em diversificar e internacionalizar!
Só falta arranjar uma maneira disto começar a dar dinheiro!!!!
commented by segunda-feira, setembro 19, 2005 8:26:00 da tarde
Tintin: de facto cachalotes e golfinhos são o forte daquele paraíso! Vemo-nos lá um dia destes!
PS: As sereias aqui apresentadas não se encontram naqueles mares.
PS: As sereias aqui apresentadas não se encontram naqueles mares.
commented by quarta-feira, setembro 21, 2005 12:05:00 da manhã
"Hot Blog Dog..." ??????
"fã fervorosa e devota" E ANÓNIMA!!
AI AI! Mistério? Blog e segredo?
"fã fervorosa e devota" E ANÓNIMA!!
AI AI! Mistério? Blog e segredo?
commented by quarta-feira, setembro 21, 2005 12:09:00 da manhã
Não entendo..... Um ndp que há noite é travesti... e brinca com ursinhos... e ainda por cima faz-lhes blogs com mostarda... (pelo menos devia ser fresca) ... eles até o elogiaram!
Bom, está isto tudo a começar a descambar..... mas só um "padaço", assim para o pequenino.
Um grande abraço, Flip
Bom, está isto tudo a começar a descambar..... mas só um "padaço", assim para o pequenino.
Um grande abraço, Flip
commented by sábado, setembro 24, 2005 1:23:00 da manhã
Flip, isto só podia descambar... tu vieste cá!
commented by segunda-feira, setembro 26, 2005 10:46:00 da tarde
opa... então não há sereias por lá...? que raio de conversa é essa meu caro amigo? ai ai ai!!! ;)
beijos grandes.
beijos grandes.
commented by quinta-feira, outubro 13, 2005 9:46:00 da tarde
sereiazorra: sabes perfeitamente que se eu falar de ti nunca mais tens sucesso.
commented by sexta-feira, outubro 14, 2005 10:44:00 da manhã
ops...queria dizer "nunca mais tens sossego".
Rosita, as minhas desculpas, não era nenhuma referência a encalhanços.
Rosita, as minhas desculpas, não era nenhuma referência a encalhanços.
commented by sexta-feira, outubro 14, 2005 10:47:00 da manhã
esses anos de abstinência acabaram-re. pois é, tenho mais tempo livre e decidi dar uma hipótese aos gajos. hehe
esses anos de abstinência acabaram-re. pois é, tenho mais tempo livre e decidi dar uma hipótese aos gajos. hehe
commented by terça-feira, outubro 18, 2005 2:56:00 da tarde
Isso são boas notícias...queres que te promova????
commented by terça-feira, outubro 18, 2005 3:09:00 da tarde
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Good day!
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Following the philosophy of pyramiding, what happens in this system is that you place a bet and if you come out a winner you re-invest the winnings on the next wager. So in horse racing, for example, you simply let it ride. Also, unlike the other betting systems, the Parlay System offers a lower amount of risk of all bettors for because they only need be concerned with a win, place or show selection or a combination thereof.
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So you are based in the United States and worried about your money and current situation, right? If so, there is one thing that you should do right away in order to protect yourself. Close down your account, and switch your funds over to an offshore or overseas service. Not only will this ensure that you are doing everything legally, but you will also be able to keep your money safe. If you are like a lot of players you may have quite a bit of money in your online gambling account. Do you want to lose all of that if something happens? It is better to be safe than sorry in this case.
So, having established that using a good Selection System is an absolute must if you want to make money from sports betting, how does the average Bettor actually go about making his/her betting selections? My research shows me that, in the main (ignoring the extremes), there are generally two approaches taken:
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commented by segunda-feira, junho 07, 2010 4:39:00 da manhã
Let's start in the past and work forward - seems to be fairly logical. Starting just before the Matt Busby era at United my first selection is Jack Rowley. He joined United before Busby came along. Though not the whole story, naturally a striker is measured to some extent by his goal tally. Rowley managed to net 211 times in 424 games for United before leaving the club in 1955. His tally of 211 makes him one of only 3 players to break the 200 mark. manchester united [url=http://www.pulsebet.com]man utd vs[/url] Among Manchester’s other professional sports teams are the Wigan Warriors of the Rugby League, the Salford City Reds, the Oldham Roughyeds, Rochdale Hornets, Swinton Lions, Sale Sharks, Belle Vue Aces, Manchester Phoenix and others. [url=http://www.pulsebet.com]vidic[/url] The current home games Manchester United shirt is red with a vertical, white stripe on the reverse. A patch with the words "The Red Devils" on a picture of the club's famous devil mascot is sewn onto to the bottom-left of the jersey. By contrast, the away shirt in use today is white with blue piping at the edges. It has red trim on the neck and the club emblem is on a white background on the left breast. The club emblem is pictured on a white background shield situated on the left breast. The emblem has been altered through the years but was originally designed based on the crest of the City of Manchester. One day Matt Busby was watching a local rugby team in Salford and was impressed by their flair and adventure on the pitch. When he discovered their nickname was "The Red Devils" he decided to attach it to his Manchester United team.
commented by terça-feira, junho 15, 2010 1:47:00 da manhã
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With so many different casino and gaming sites on the Internet, it is difficult to know which ones are legitimate and which ones are not. After all, if you want to join the gaming community, you have to decide whether you want to play for money or for fun and prizes. If the former, it is more pertinent to find out what sites are legitimate since you do not want to invest cash into something that is not going to give you a return on your investment.
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commented by sábado, junho 19, 2010 5:23:00 da tarde
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o Numbers ending in 1s, 2s, 3s, 4s, 5s, etc. are in equal proportions.
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Everybody has a sensible idea about what is possible with it. But when you can uncover all you can and learn, then you will find oneself in a better position. That is why we want to provide you with some relevant tips about this topic, and hopefully they will help you in the future.
The general difficulties of women's and men's fashion
Both women and men may feel the demands of maintaining their wardrobe up-to-date and in season, yet men's style often feels a lot less difficult. Of program, for both sexes, outfits and style choices could be equally as complex, and there are numerous'trendy'items that could rapidly become fashion faux pas - who can say they frequently see people walking around in 70s flares? On the other hand, men's fashion includes a few staple items which will exist forever - which man is likely to look out of place with a good-quality, tailored suit, for example? Pick traditional pieces, colours and fabrics and you'll never seem out-of-place.
Why classic men's fashion is timeless
The traditional man's suit has hardly changed for over a hundred years. True, there are numerous options for different situations, however they are all popular in their pursuit of a clever, sharp try to find the person. The good thing about traditional style for men is that it is effortlessly fashionable simply neat. A well-groomed man can more often than not look his sharpest in a well-tailored suit, and it is a testament to the design of such apparel. A suit will undoubtedly be used to work in many professions because of the professional look it offers to the individual, instilling a sense of respect and trust. Similarly a suit will undoubtedly be worn to many social functions, like a tuxedo to a black-tie affair. This incredible versatility that enables suits to be used in almost all functions is what gives it its classic border and a permanent invest men's fashion.
Modern developments in classic men's style
Though classic men's styles can never be replaced, it is interesting to note that changes in men's fashion trends have brought particular classic clothes back in fashion. The reputation of vintage clothing, specifically, has taken back a wide-variety of basic styles into men's wardrobes, such as that of the dandy guy. 'Dandy'is a term used to refer to men who dress yourself in a classic yet expensive way, acting in a sophisticated approach and placing importance on appearance. This development for almost'over-the-top'classic fashion for men is evident from events including the'Tweed Run', wherever men and women of all ages clothe themselves in particularly Victorian-style attire and take to the streets on vintage bikes - with many of the men sporting remarkable mustaches! That is just one of many samples of research displaying the resurrection of such styles. There are also numerous sites on the web which focus on gentlemanly type - such as'The Dandy Project'and'Dandyism'- as well as entire internet sites such as'The Art of Manliness'specialized in giving articles on common men's fashion and grooming.
In conclusion, whilst certain issues with classic men's style could be cut back as new trends, the essential clothes which they are derived from will never slip out of fashion.
"All it will take really are a few simple garments. And there is one key - the easier the better." - Cary Grant
StyleGun is an online men's fashion shop with a specialized angle.
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Everybody has a sensible idea about what is possible with it. But when you can uncover all you can and learn, then you will find oneself in a better position. That is why we want to provide you with some relevant tips about this topic, and hopefully they will help you in the future.
The general difficulties of women's and men's fashion
Both women and men may feel the demands of maintaining their wardrobe up-to-date and in season, yet men's style often feels a lot less difficult. Of program, for both sexes, outfits and style choices could be equally as complex, and there are numerous'trendy'items that could rapidly become fashion faux pas - who can say they frequently see people walking around in 70s flares? On the other hand, men's fashion includes a few staple items which will exist forever - which man is likely to look out of place with a good-quality, tailored suit, for example? Pick traditional pieces, colours and fabrics and you'll never seem out-of-place.
Why classic men's fashion is timeless
The traditional man's suit has hardly changed for over a hundred years. True, there are numerous options for different situations, however they are all popular in their pursuit of a clever, sharp try to find the person. The good thing about traditional style for men is that it is effortlessly fashionable simply neat. A well-groomed man can more often than not look his sharpest in a well-tailored suit, and it is a testament to the design of such apparel. A suit will undoubtedly be used to work in many professions because of the professional look it offers to the individual, instilling a sense of respect and trust. Similarly a suit will undoubtedly be worn to many social functions, like a tuxedo to a black-tie affair. This incredible versatility that enables suits to be used in almost all functions is what gives it its classic border and a permanent invest men's fashion.
Modern developments in classic men's style
Though classic men's styles can never be replaced, it is interesting to note that changes in men's fashion trends have brought particular classic clothes back in fashion. The reputation of vintage clothing, specifically, has taken back a wide-variety of basic styles into men's wardrobes, such as that of the dandy guy. 'Dandy'is a term used to refer to men who dress yourself in a classic yet expensive way, acting in a sophisticated approach and placing importance on appearance. This development for almost'over-the-top'classic fashion for men is evident from events including the'Tweed Run', wherever men and women of all ages clothe themselves in particularly Victorian-style attire and take to the streets on vintage bikes - with many of the men sporting remarkable mustaches! That is just one of many samples of research displaying the resurrection of such styles. There are also numerous sites on the web which focus on gentlemanly type - such as'The Dandy Project'and'Dandyism'- as well as entire internet sites such as'The Art of Manliness'specialized in giving articles on common men's fashion and grooming.
In conclusion, whilst certain issues with classic men's style could be cut back as new trends, the essential clothes which they are derived from will never slip out of fashion.
"All it will take really are a few simple garments. And there is one key - the easier the better." - Cary Grant
StyleGun is an online men's fashion shop with a specialized angle.
Read More: [url=http://ensynefo.com/blogs/49774/205503/hay-cung-chung-toi-xem-qua-cac-k]thoi trang nu mua he[/url]
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